There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group? – KpopHit

Imagine someone creating a Twitter account pretending to be a new upcoming idol group.

Naturally, this would spark the interest of K-Pop fans on the lookout for new rookie groups, causing them to follow the account and generate a small hype around the “group”.

What a time to be alive right?

At the moment, netizens believe that 6IRLY is a fake girl group. Here’s why.

There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group?


There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group?


Netizens noticed that the messages uploaded on Twitter were really off. The first thing about it was that everything was written in poor English. Real agencies, no matter how difficult it may be for them, would get the job done correctly. The second thing was because even in the messages written in Korean, the language was very informal, as if a teenager was writing a text message to friends.

There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group?


In addition, the photos used for the fake members were taken from other existing Instagram accounts.

There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group?


There’s Actually A Fake K-Pop Girl Group?



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BTS’s V Shows Off Friendship With Park SeoJoon By Visiting Last Filming Of “Itaewon Class” – KpopHit

BTS & Their Luxurious Bags That Show Their Status – KpopHit
